If you are caring for your hair without looking into hair porosity you could be making a big mistake. I myself had no previous knowledge on what hair porosity actually is or how to determine hair porosity but after a deep dive on the web I was able to muster up some information.
Comfrey root extract also demonstrates anti-aging skin benefits through the protection and hydration of skin. The following are 4 reasons you need to try a skin care product with comfrey root.
The season is not the only thing that’s changing this spring. As warmer weather is upon us, the hair trends have begun to make a shift towards more comfortable and wearable styles and cuts.
Sugarcane contains 15% natural sugar while also being rich in vitamins and organic salts. This means, applying it topically to the skin could result in exfoliating effects. The following are several ways that sugarcane could help benefit your skin.
Many of us are often trying to do all we can to achieve long, healthy hair. This may be a direct impact of our diets. What you put in your body can impact your hair’s health and certain foods can also encourage hair growth. The following are 5 foods that work to strengthen and lengthen your strands from within.
We’ve all heard that phrase “you are what you eat” right? Well that statement reigns especially true when it comes to the correlation between your diet and skin health.