Hair shedding happens to almost everyone, experts state we shed around 50-100 strands every single day. But, if hair shedding is normal, when should you be concerned that your strands are overly shedding? Experts say you are probably experiencing excess hair shedding if you notice larger amounts of hair in your shower drain, if you get a lot of fall out when brushing, or if you notice your ponytails are thinner than normal. Excessive shedding can be a result of various causes from stress to hair care. Although your hair shedding may be a deeper-rooted issue, there are several steps you can take to lessen the amount of hair you shed on average.

  1. Avoid Over Styling. If a lot of your strands are shedding, chances are that too much hair styling may just exasperate the problem at hand. Constant heat styling like straightening and curling, makes your hair dry and brittle while also weakening the hair follicles. Excessive heat on your hair also causes the bonds in the hair strands to fracture and break, causing more fall out. If you have to use a heat styling tool, lower the heat on it and avoid focusing on a certain area for too long. The tool should stay moving around 10 seconds to ensure you are not over processing and burning your strands. Incorporate a heat-protecting spray before heat styling or avoid heat all together through heatless styling methods like braids or rollers.
  2. Be Gentle to Your Wet Hair. The way you handle your wet hair can actually impact how much hair sheds. When you get out of the shower to dry your hair, make sure you are using a soft towel to wrap up your hair. Don’t roughly rub your hair with a towel to dry it as this can cause damage to the hair shafts and increase breakage. A gentler way to dry your hair with a towel is by scrunching from strand ends to the roots. Avoid using a hair dryer as this just adds to the damage. When brushing your wet hair, avoid plastic combs. Try using a wooden wide-tooth comb to prevent hair fall out for a more delicate way to detangle. DO NOT brush wet hair as this will cause the delicate hair roots to be easily pulled.
  3. Maintain a Nutrient-Rich Diet. Better hair comes from within. Maintaining a healthy diet with foods rich in vitamins and healthy fats, may be very beneficial for strengthening your strands and decreasing hair shed. Your hair is made of a protein called Keratin, so incorporating a diet that is high in protein only helps make your hair even stronger. Some foods that are very high in protein include lentils, beans, nuts, eggs, fish and meat. Foods rich in Omega-3 also help reduce inflammation and stress that may reduce hair shed. Fish like mackerel, tuna and sardines are very rich in Omega-3s. Vitamin C can also help product more collagen that keeps your strands healthy. Consuming foods rich in Vitamin C like oranges, strawberries and tomatoes can help increase hair fullness.
  4. Combine a Gentle Shampoo & Conditioner with a Topical. Shampoos and conditioners containing sulfates and parabens may only increase the amount of strands you shed daily. Sulfates in hair products can be linked to damage in the hair follicles while parabens have been linked to scalp irritation. Sulfate and paraben free shampoo and conditioners also do a better job in deeply hydrating your hair, revealing stronger strands as moisturized hair is less prone to breakage and split ends. Fyab’s Hair Vitality Shampoo and Conditioner is sulfate and paraben-free and incorporates only the most nourishing, healthy ingredients to combat hair shedding and thinning. Combine a gentle shampoo and conditioner with an effective topical treatment for noticeable results. A topical treatment like Fyab’s Hair Vitality Topical Serum, can provide your scalp with the nourishment and relief that it needs to promote a healthy head of hair.


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